(from L-R in back: Willow, Auntie Daryth, Rev. Wearne, Piper, Andrew and L-R front: my nephew Will, my sister Jaime, and me)
We held the service at my Auntie Daryth's church, St. Philip Anglican Church, and the service was officiated by Reverend Michael Wearne. Piper's godparents are my sister Jaime and our friend Peter. The service itself was lots of fun, particularly because Rev. Wearne gave Willow and her cousins jobs to do during the service. Willow poured the water into the font, Will was the candle bearer, and the smaller children all sat around with us in a circle.
The only thing that worried me was the candle. You do see what Piper is doing, don't you? Here's a close up:

As soon as Andrew and Rev. Wearne were holding the candle, Piper's hand shot up and she decided she wanted in on this action as well. All was well in the end - and apparently she wasn't the only one drawn to the flame. Once the candle was blown out, Piper's 3 year old cousin Hunter audibly complained, "But I wanted to blow the fire off the stick!"
Here is Piper and her godmother, Jaime:

Piper and me (and the beautiful baptism gown!):

The Happy Family:

The Whole Fan Damily:

(Back L-R: Dad, Mom, and Auntie Daryth. Middle L-R: Andrew, me, Piper, Teri, and Jaime. Front L-R: Willow, Hunter, Dharma, and Will.)
We had a lovely little party afterward with a beautiful cake:

And then just had fun afterward taking pictures outside:

It was a beautiful day, and a beautiful service. Auntie Daryth, thank you for helping make this happen!