Friday marked the 9th anniversary of the most 4-lettered words that have come out of my mouth in any 24 hour period... otherwise known as the day Willow was born. At nine years old, Willow is almost as tall as I am, loves to read, sing, swim, and is so very serious about things that I can't help to smile at when she talks to me. Love you, babe!
How do you really feel about sweet potatoes, Piper?!!? The funny thing is she had eaten them a few times previously with no problems... but apparently she was having a 'I don't want sweet potatoes' night this time. She makes this extreme raspberry face at me to let me know she is displeased with me.
Pictures on the blog are going to be sporadic for a week or so - our home computer died last weekend, so I am limited to blogging from my netbook. It's a sweet little machine, but is slow to download pics and videos off my computer, then even slower to upload to Flickr. And while I'm on the subject of Flickr, thank they ever-loving goodness for it! We lost *everything* on our computer - but at least all my pictures and videos are uploaded onto Flickr. I have lost a few downloaded patterns I had bought from Ravelry, but I think there is a way for me to recover those from Ravelry. Let this be a lesson - keep your Norton, McAfee, whatever security software you use, up-to-date - because malware and viruses can completely destroy your machine.