This was the view from my hotel room the last few days:

No, we were not on some fun-in-the-sun vacation - rather I was at a conference in my area of expertise at the Disney Resort... in Orlando, Florida. I kid you not - I was in Orlando the last four days, experiencing what felt like to me to be mid-August!
Here is a picture of the sunset Thursday night. My co-worker Marcie and I had just gone for a long walk along the Downtown Disney boardwalk, and were very happy to find a free ferry that took us back to the dock near our hotel!

There is a cool Lego World exhibit at Downtown Disney and the following pictures of statues are life-sized and look like real-life pixelated people:

Here is a close-up of the dogs:

And there was even a Lego dragon in the water:

Today was a whirlwind day - we woke up this morning to look at another house (very cute Cape Cod, but needing a new roof, air conditioning, and new windows... another $25K we aren't planning to spend), and then off to the annual Wilmington Flower Market. I'm a little murky on the beginnings of the festival, but here is a website that tells you a bit of what was planned: We made a beeline for the midway (and dropped a bundle on tickets - yikes! I don't understand why they don't offer a ride pass!) and let Willow go hog wild.
Willow and I on the carousel - this was Willow's first time being on the horse all by herself. She didn't want my help at all with balancing her on the horse (sniff!), so I climbed on the nearby pony and rode along:

Willow on a school-bus carousel:

And Willow and Andrew on the bumblebee ride:

Lots of fun was had by all and we are all a little pink now due to the hesitant sun this afternoon. The weather was playing games with us all day - we almost didn't go to the fair because it was raining this morning.
Oh... and the answer to what the woman is doing to Willow in the last post's picture? Willow is a sheep and the re-enactor is demonstrating how they shear the sheep (since all the sheep to be sheared had already been sheared for the season). I did find out they sell handspun wool there - for $35 for a 120 yard 2-ply skein! Yikes! Too rich for my blood!