Monday, September 25, 2006

Blogstalking - Books and More (Library!)

Our Blogstalking task for last week was to take pictures of our books/bookshelves/library - something like that, to show off. Well, for starters, in out 780 square foot apartment (yes, I had warned you before it was small) there are two bedrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 dining room (ha! glorified hallway, really), 1 living room... and 7 bookshelves. And that doesn't count the books that are stacked up on the floor, beside sofas, or in the car. There is virtually no organization to these shelves, other than Willow has the bottom shelf on the big bookcase, and the bookshelf closest to where I knit has my knitting books.

I'm not taking pictures of them all because I am just not in a cleaning and dusting mood right now, so I present to you Bookshelf #1:

This is the first bookshelf you see when you enter our apartment, and since it is sort of out of the living area, it has the books we want to keep but don't read on a regular basic... like the Riverside Shakespeare, the Bible, War and Peace. I seem to have cut off the magazine boxes at the top - but that is where all my knitting magazines live.

And now, Bookshelf #2:

This one is in the living room and the most commonly used bookshelf. The bottom, as you can see, is mostly Willow's books and the top shelf is mostly mass market paperbacks that we have bought with the intent to read but haven't got around to it yet. As for the middle, it looks like a mixture of hardcover novels and large paperbacks that wouldn't fit anywhere else - and unlike the top shelf, we have read nearly all the books in the middle. The three canisters on the top shelf is our change piggy banks - pennies in Big Ben, dimes in the British post box, and nickels in the globe.

On another subject altogether, there is knitting going on around here... But precious little of it I can show you!

Whew - this is hard. I know I am not going to get something made for everyone for Christmas, but I am trying my damnedest. In the meantime, the various in-process projects (and I think I have 6 going on right now) have to stay off the blog. I wish I had something non-Christmas-present intended to show off because I feel like a slacker with the lack of knitting pictures lately.


SuzannaBanana said...

You buy mass market paperbacks and don't read them, too? I thought I was the only one! I have a growing collection of books I've bought because I heard about them on the Daily Show, but haven't ever cracked them open. ;-)

Bezzie said...

Give Willow a few more years and she'll need a bookshelf of her own!!!

tara said...

I remember visiting you at your parent's house when I was about 13 and was amazed at the amount of books. You come by it honestly.

cpurl17 said...

I love that you have separate piggy banks for each coin!

Good luck with the Christmas knitting!!

Anonymous said...

Join the club....I think I have ONE Christmas prezzie done!!
Love & Hugs

turtlegirl76 said...

I'm plugging away at my x-mas knitting too. One option I've heard of was to take a close up pic of the stitch pattern and yarn, but not the whole project. Oooh a chance to practice your yarnos!

Jo said...

Jaime -

You have never seen my apt - did Teri tell you that?!?!

Honestly - you are about right? I'm not even counting the books in boxes in storage...
