I started some seeds this afternoon - anyone want to take a guess what I like to eat? You'll have to forgive the handwriting - I was writing at a weird angle. I love these windowbox greenhouses - I have another one on the window for dark purple and red dianthus. I think I want to get another two - one for cosmos and the other for more vegetables.
What do you want to plant in your garden?
I am coming to play and eat from your garden. All the things I like to eat!!!!Jaimes
Oof! I have to start mine after mom leaves. I'm thinking I might be able to throw the lettuce and peas actually outside!
I want 'maters, and cucumbers, and lettuce, and beans, and something odd. Maybe brussels sprouts. Just 'cause I can.
No messy gardening for us this year as we try to sell our house, so we can move 'up north' to the real world.
I'll be watching everyone else's though, taking notes for next year.
let me gues....squash!
Sad to say, I don't like gardening so I only get to gather lemons that fall from the neighbor's tree. I wish I did!
I planted basil too. I hope it sprouts! And really I hope we can get some tomatoes in. But we'll see...
Edible garden, yum!
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