This weekend, a belly-dancing troupe came to give a performance, and we were even lucky enough to see them rehearse last night (and Willow learned a few moves as well). Here they are:

You can see the community gardens behind the dancers - and if you look into the distance, you can see the lake as well.
Here is Willow learning how to dance:

And Dharma decided the chapel needed a thorough sweeping - which she enjoyed until she tripped over the broom and landed on her behind and startled herself.

We had a bit of excitement here this morning as well. We were still at home when one of the neighbours ran over from the market saying my Dad needed some benadryl quick. My Dad is allergic to bee stings, so we thought that was why he needed it - there are wasps *everywhere* here. A few minutes later, it comes across the scanner (my Dad is a firefighter and first responder so the scanner is always on in the house) that an ambulance is heading into town because of an extreme allergic reaction. My Mom flies out of the house, leaving me with Willow and Dharma. I pack us up, get the stroller, and the three of us walk to the market. I see Dad and tease him about needing some more attention, and it turns out it was someone else. Some guy got stung three times on his neck, tried to drive and nearly crashed his car into a ditch. Scary!
Belly dancing is fun! I did that for a while in college and would like to pick it up again. Maybe you can take Willow and you can both take a class.
MOral of the story--don't drive while suffering severe allergic reactions. Nice!
Hee hee...cute pic of Willow and her cuz!
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