This hat was my project in exchange for my friend Tara making Piper a Christmas stocking. I had bought the yarn well before Christmas, and had the pattern in mind... but just didn't have the time to cast on for the project until after Christmas.

Side view of the slouch hat:

I cast on and sped along quickly at first... but everything ground to a screeching halt. This all started the week after Christmas - I treated myself to a facial, and managed to fall off the aesthetician's table, landing with my left palm flat on the ground, jamming up my shoulder. Knitting hurt. I couldn't do more than a few rounds at a time before my shoulder and collarbone would start to ache. Most nights I ended up taking Advil and going to bed with a hot pad on my shoulder.
Swirly decreases:

But I persevered. I tried to work on it a bit each night, but was starting to feel bad about how long a simple hat was taking me, especially since Tara had finished her part of the swap so long ago. Cue to this week - I had my normally scheduled doctor's appointment, and I told him about my sore shoulder, and how 4 weeks later it really didn't feel any better. He said I should get an x-ray - he had ruled out a torn rotator cuff, but there may be something else causing the continued pain.
Well. Had the x-ray, and he called the next day to say I had a hairline fracture in my collarbone. There isn't much to be done about it - it will take about 6-8 weeks to heal, and I can take OTC painkillers if needed. The diagnosis won't help it heal any quicker, but I am a little better for knowing that this pain wasn't all in my head!
And, although I made extremely slow progress, I finished Tara's hat.
The Particulars:

Pattern: Classic Elite's Fresco Simple Slouchy Hat in size Medium
Yarn: Great American Yarn's Superfine Merino/Silk (50g/143 yards) in cream, 2 skeins
Needles: Aero size 5 - 16" circulars and DPNs
Would I knit this pattern again? YES! I love how this hat turned out - and I think it is a good alternative for those who like the Sockhead Hat, but want something that can be knit with DK or sportweight yarn. In fact, I'm clearing a few other small things off needles so I can cast on for one of these for myself.
And Tara, I'm sorry this took me so long!