The itty-bitty baby clothes weren't much of a concern - newborn clothes are much alike, regardless of the season. However, now that Piper is wearing 12 month sized clothes, I have run into a problem. Willow's hand-me-down 12 month clothes are summer clothes. We had a high of 39'F today. I washed all of Willow's former 12-18 months clothes last weekend, and secretly lamented that there was so much cute stuff that Piper was just not going to have the opportunity to wear... but then I had an idea...

Leggings! I bought some footless tights at Target and she wore them under these cute pink and white plaid/gingham short-alls. She looked adorable!
Here's another shot:

I'm going to have to go back and find some footless tights in a few other colours - I have 3-4 other paid of short-alls I can dress her in now! Leggings FTW!
Clever! I can't believe you held on to all of it though. I think that's what got us Moochie. I got rid of all of Chunky's clothes and BANG! Pregnant with Moochie!
Heh. i've become addicted to BabyLegs. Itty bitty legwarmers? DON'T MIND IF I DO!
Heh. i've become addicted to BabyLegs. Itty bitty legwarmers? DON'T MIND IF I DO!
And I'll be packing up Willow and Piper's stuff that you sent to Zoe to pass on to Bez 3.0 when she arrives. Passing on the Knittylove!
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