Sunday, May 25, 2008

My Own Personal Hell

To me, few things are worse than when people sing the wrong words to songs. My sister Jaime used to do it all the time. It came to a point where I believe she was doing it deliberately to make me freak out. Well, she has a successor.

Nothing is worse than a five year old who gets a song in her head.

"La cockroach-atcha, La cockroach-atcha, la la la la la la ala..."

Dear Lord. And we were in the car and stuck in traffic.


Bezzie said...

Ha ha! I wish I had good news. Chunky is 6 and I get to listen to the same type of thing from the back seat.

Shan said...

Oh that drives me mad. I was at a friend's the other day and her daughter kept singing do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around
Happy and heaven-bound"

My friend turned to me and said "I guess that's the CHRISTIAN version." I don't know if she picked it up from the Sunday School she goes to or what, but I object VERY STRONGLY.

Unknown said...

Oh no!!!

Maybe it's time to learn a new song??

Anonymous said...

Mine is the neverending, incessant questions while driving...sometimes I have to actually remind her that I am driving and have to concentrate on driving for a minute...

I need to figure out a way to see the humour in it and not let it get under my skin...

Life's a Stitch said...

I remember those days... My kids probably remember me saying that repetition drives me nuts. Count those as bad mommy points. Evil laughter....