Saturday, September 10, 2011

Water Baby In Training

Oh, I have been waiting for this day for a long time!

Piper started her swimming lessons! Willow has been taking swimming lessons since she was 3 years old, and she is now at the penultimate level for the YMCA swimming lessons. I have been at the pool for nearly all of Willow's lessons, and I always loved watching the baby classes. They would sing songs, dance around the pool, and all the nervous mommies and daddies would be hovering around as the instructors would take the babies away and miraculously the babies would be kicking and paddling on their own. At our pool the babies must be six months old and be able to sit up on their own to start lessons, and this was the first session that Piper could sign up for after turning six months old.

Willow came along to take pictures for us - here is Piper strapped to the floatation belt and using the dumb bell to float and chase after toys:


Here is Piper doing the back starfish float:


(Look! She is wearing her Applecheeks washable swim diapers! All the other babies save one were wearing disposable swim diapers. Piper still couldn't wear one if she wanted to - she is still 2 pounds underweight for the smallest size.)

Willow even took a video - you might want to turn your volume down a bit - a combination of Willow being happily shrill and not realizing how close she was to the microphone and me being pissed that she was running around the pool:

Piper had a ball and loved kicking and splashing in the water - I can't wait until next week!

1 comment:

Kaye said...

She'll be ready come Summer 2012!
It sort of looks like the little boy next to her in that first photo isn't wearing ANY diaper!