Piper dyeing her eggs. At this point, I kind of gave up on guiding her or I would have ended up with PAS dye all over my white shirt. And what on earth was I thinking wearing a white shirt while helping the kids with their eggs!?!?

Willow and her eggs:

Here are all of our eggs - we will be eating these for a while:

Some of the ones I did ending up with fingerprints - I'm calling it a design feature:

This was nerve-wracking. I also didn't think to lay paper or a tablecloth down on the table, so now the table looks like it has been dyed as well. It's a good thing we aren't fancy in this house!
I am not sure how I could have better contained this - I can't really leave her out of the festivities - but holy hell, she wants to do it her way all the time. Andrew just smirks and says, "Gee, Jo - where do you think she got that from?" Gah!
Willow had some bonus eggs she wanted to show off. She made these at her friend Amanda's house:

Showgirl eggs might have been a safer bet with the toddler... a hot glue gun can't be worse than flinging dye everywhere, can it?