Two years ago tomorrow I started this blog with this photo - and I can't believe how much bigger my baby is! She has begged me to teach her how to knit for the last two years (actually, starting not too long from when I staged this picture). We have tried the odd time, but either she or I get frustrated with the project -knitting just isn't as freeform as colouring with crayons.
Anyway - why am I posting this today as opposed to my real blogiversary? Well, since I will be down at some little event in Maryland I probably won't be able to write a blog entry tomorrow. However, I wanted to announce in advance my...
Blogiversary Contest
Come on, feed my ego! Tell me in a comment why you like to read my blog - and please leave your email or some other way for me to get in touch with you. I will take all the entries I receive by sometime on Sunday and randomly draw a name. The prize? Well, I'm sure there will be some shopping at that little festival tomorrow...
Me first! Me first!!!
I love the title of your blog. The best kind of joy is the wild peculiar kind.
Because you knit, you just moved, and Willow's starting kindergarden this year. I like reading bloggers who are similar to me! ;-)
I appreciate your sense of humor. Yep, it seems to slip out occasionally. :) Have fun in MD! I can only imagine what fun a BIG festival would be.
hmmm... because i have known you for 22 years, lived with you in college and have adored you the whole time. even my mom reads your blog. put us both down.
To feed your ego... 1) because you seem like a wonderful person 2) because you're a mom 3) because I love to see your knitting projects 4) because you are Canadian.
I love the pictures of Willow! She's so cute and always looks like she's cooking up a plan.
I like reading your blog because it's neat to watch you grow as a knitter as your daughter grows at the same time. I'm jealous of you going to MD!
Hmm.. has to be the title. And to boost your ego. And to enter the contest. And the pretty pics :)
I just love a good comment ho. No, don't count me in for the contest. I just couldn't resist. I won the last contest, so we should let someone else try this time.
I guess the real reason would be that we seem to have several things in common.
I love the stories, and your voice as a writer.
The pictures of Willow always crack me up. You can tell she's adorable, but that something happens when the camera tries to capture it, and things go wacky.
Mostly though, it's because I find myself thinking, "Hey, I wonder what Jo's got going on with her backyard lake? I hope it's better today..." We've never met, but I find myself caring about what's happening in WildPeculiarland.
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