Anywho... Here is Willow's 'Oh My' vest:
I'm making really fast progress on this and I like that! The pattern is a child's hooded vest from Knitting Pure and Simple (scroll down and see pattern #271). I'm knitting it out of Plymouth's 'Oh My' in an olive/forest colour and it is terribly soft. I went to JoAnn's today to pick up a separating zipper and found that there is not much colour choice in short zippers (10 - 14 inch). Basically, I had a choice of white, cream, or black. I went with a 12" cream one. I brought it home and measured it against the vest and found I could have done with a 14" one after all. I was worried about the zipper being too long for the vest - apparently that was an unfounded worry.
Happy Independence Day to the Americans out there! We had a barbecue at my in-laws for lunch and we counted the American flags we saw between our house and theirs. It is about a 2 mile drive and we counted over 60 flags!
Looks good! If you want a zipper to match, there are a few online places you can order them from!
Looking real good!
You've got us beat, we only counted 34 flags--and we live a few blocks down from the VFW post!
I forgot to count flags! But there aren't a lot of houses between my house and my parent's so maybe I saw a dozen.
That's fast!
I forgot to count flags too. Oh, well, we'll do that again next year.
Just a thought... if you ever do find that you don't have the perfect length zipper, many zippers give instructions on how to cut the zipper down to the appropriate size and finish it afterwards. Personally, I get all kinds of scared of zippers close to my knitting, and after installing one zipper, I've had enough.
happy 4th to you as well!
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