Sunday, March 30, 2008

How Bev Made a Silk Purse Out of a Sow's Ear

Remember how I offered to send my hand-dyed yarn mess to anyone who wanted to untangle it? Well, Bev took up the challenge, so go and congratulate her on her efforts.


Batty said...

She really did an amazing job. I'm impressed.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

When she untangled it and wound it up the colors were amazing! Great job!

Beverly said...

Sooooo cannot take credit for how pretty the yarn is. You did a fab job with the dye. Now to figure out what to make with it....

Anonymous said...

Yay Bev! t=That yarn is gorgeous -my sister Jo is so very talented!At the dying... not so much on the washing...

I get some strange joy out of detangling and organizing the most mudane things. Could explain why I had a stamp collection.... and a stamp collection... and a pen collection... and a sticker collection.... and could spend hours 'playing' with them....

Bezzie said...

Holy cow. There's no way I could have that kind of patience. I usually cut the biggest knots out and retie the yarn! Way to go Bev!

Sarah said...

Yay Bev! I have also sent yarn to other people in the same frustrations :).