Sunday, October 17, 2010

Okay, So I Didn't Get To Go To Rhinebeck...

... and with a 3 month old next year, I most likely will have to sit out MDSW as well - but I picked up something today that will almost make missing out on those two sheep and wool festivals worthwhile.

Feast your eyes on my Norden Gateleg table from IKEA:

Just why is this table making up for missing the festivals? Well, I have lots of wool. Andrew says he considers the wool insulation to the house at this point. And honestly, I really don't need to buy more right now. I also have a beautiful yarn swift made from reclaimed wood and a wool winder courtesy of my knitting friends as a housewarming present when we bought this house.

What I didn't have was a table to connect the frickin' wool winder to! As my luck would have it, every table we had in this house has either a beveled edge, a rounded edge, or a false front - all of which make it impossible to clamp the wool winder to. I have so much wool that is still skeined and packaged from previous festivals - now I will finally be able to wind the wool (oh, all that beautiful sock yarn!) into yarn cakes and start knitting with it! I can't wait to start re-discovering my stash.


tara said...

Yarn cakes? I like the sound of that.
Happy winding.

Zonda said...

What a great table! May have to add that to my Ikea wishlist.

kingshearte said...

I have that table! It's kind of wasted in my present space, but conceptually, at least, I absolutely love it.

Teri said...

I want to see the before and afters of the skeins & cakes. I'm serious!!!!!

Megan said...

I love, love, LOVE that table! Maybe I should add that to my list of things for the spare/craft room instead of plastic folding tables.

mom said...

is this also your new kitchen table?
Very nice!
Love & Hugs

SuzannaBanana said...

Jealous! I have to set up my winder in the garage, because the only workable edge I have is out there. Have fun with the yarn caking. (Yes, it's a lot of fun to wind and stack. I always volunteer to do it for my friends.)

Ha! My word verification is nurap. Nurap = new wrap.