Piper walking back from Tribune Bay.

Driftwood sculpture on the beach on Tribune Bay.

Close up of one of the driftwood logs - I think it looks like a camel.

My Mom and Dad walking down the rock formations.

The rock formations - it looks like a moonscape.

Willow and Keeva, my aunt's dog.

Yes, I even managed to find yarn on a tiny island!

Whaling Station Beach - yes, it did get more crowded than this in the afternoon, but it still would have looked empty compared to the Delaware beaches.

Piper and my Mom walking down to the little beach near our cabin to go rock-hunting.

Yeah, ignore the fact that her eyes were closed - I thought it was such a good picture at the time. Even though it was mid-August and 80'F +, there is still snow on the peaks behind her on Vancouver Island.

My Mom, Piper, and Willow wading in the water at Tribune Bay. The water was shallow and clear for so far out.

The view from Tribune Bay, facing Vancouver Island's hills.

The only bit of Native sculpture I saw on the Island. I am not sure Hornby had a big Native presence - it doesn't have it's own natural water source - hence the huge painted water tanks around the island:

Andrew, me, Willow, Mom, Piper, Dad, and my Gram It was a gorgeous island, and the night skies were breath-taking. I had never seen stars horizon to horizon before. This was the first vacation I had had in a long time (baby illness notwithstanding!) that felt like an actual vacation. I want more vacations and experiences like this.
1 comment:
Looks like a great time! I've never been to Hornby before!
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