Gratuitous Willow

Someone was asking me just how curly Willow's hair was... there you go. It's a nice picture of her eyes, too. On first glance they look brown, but when you get up close, they are a dark hazel green.
I had good news from one of my closest friends today - she is pregnant with her first baby and due in December. This means I now have two friends having babies within a few short weeks of one another... I better get my ass in gear trying to get baby presents finished. You can add to that the two friends who have babies this summer that I have promised knitted things when the weather gets more woolen-worthy. I have a pattern to make a baby cardigan out of the self-striping sock yarn that I may try. Knitpicks has two machine-washable varieties that look interesting.
I started Andrew's Green Mountain Spinnery sweater and the more I work on it, the more I think I am going to have to rip it out and proceed with a heavier weight yarn. Currently I have Wool-Ease in heather blue, but I can't get anywhere near the 16 X 24 gauge on size 7s. I went up to 10.5 and it looks like it will be so loose. Oh well. Since I have 10 skeins of it (bought on sale) I know I can make something else. I have a partial ball of Encore here - I may try to work up a gauge with that - if it works I'll buy the yarn and start over.
I finished reading Charlaine Harris' Dead as a Doornail last night - good book, but no nooky! Maybe it is a backlash against the semi-porn-ness of Laurell K. Hamilton's books, but I was expecting a little action... I also read S. M. Stirling's "Blood Wolf" story in the Bronze Age Heroes anthology and Jennifer Weiner's "The Truth About Nigel" in the American Girls About Town anthology. I felt a little guilty about not reading the entire volumes, but I have so many books out of the library right now that I know that I have to read because I won't be able to renew them, such as Janet Evanovich's Eleven on Top and Kathy Reich's newest (so new I can't even remember the title!). At work I am reading (listening) Ann Brashares' The Second Summer of the Traveling Pants.
Okay... I need to think about making dinner...