Woo-hoo! Look what I got! My second package from my Knitty SP5 came in the mail today and there were all sorts of goodies inside. First of all - on the left you will see 3 different 12" Clover circular needles! Sizes 5, 6, and 8. Visions of sleeves, baby hats, and mittens are already racing through my head! In the middle there are 4 skeins of this very pretty pale blue-green wool to make fingerless gloves with... the pattern for which is included in the letter in the front. There is a very sparkly bag (which housed the needles in the package) that I am going to transfer all my DPNs to so I can separate the DPNs and crochet hooks (with hopes of being able to find the size/hook I need *when* I need it)... and last - but certainly not least... CHOCOLATE! That scrumptious square on the right is a hand-dipped smore from a gourmet chocolate factory...
And, behind all of these goodies you will see my new pillow - one of a pair that my mother-in-law just made for me!