I started thinking up this post yesterday and was hampered by one little thing - my craptacular mood. I tried thinking of all the blue things I liked - for example, blue skies:

Lonely Planet ImagesBut then the snarky PMS-y part of my brain said, "Yeah, but it's spitting with rain and you couldn't even go swimming if you wanted to." Then I thought of my cable-knit blue cardigan... but that has a small hole in it that I need to repair and thus cannot wear it right now. So, after a few more examples like that, I decided to leave well enough alone and just stew rather than to vent online.
I hopped on over to Webshots this afternoon and looked for some of my favourite blue things to show you. I had hoped to be able to import larger photos more easily, but it looks like to you will have to suffer through thumbnails. Please feel free to click on the thumbnail to get a better shot.

jordanrich1Any coloured stone, really. I love emeralds, rubies, garnets, peridots. I think diamonds are boring and really have no desire to have a diamond ring. It's funny because some of the ladies I work with have some absolutely beautiful (and humongous) rocks on their ring fingers - but it is just not me. I love the dark cobalt colour of this particular sapphire - it ranks up there as one of my favourite shades of blue.
Blue Water

dethlefsenI didn't see much of this growing up - I mean, I grew up in British Columbia and of course there is water everywhere - but it isn't blue like this. Lakes sometimes in the summer, but certainly not the ocean or the Fraser River. Just looking at that shade of blue makes me feel cooler. Who needs airconditioning when you have colour therapy! Okay, maybe a little airconditioning...
Blue and Green Together

sugartoestooI remember someone telling me in grade 8 that blue and green should never be seen together outside of the washing machine. Why the hell not? I love blue and green together. Most of my clothes are either blue or green.
Blue Heeler Dogs

joangela104Okay, while not technically blue, they do have the word blue in their names. I would love to have a Blue Heeler someday. I love herding dogs, and how compact Blue Heelers are. I also love the mottledness of their coats.

sjefu1These grow wild on the side of the road where I grew up. You would drive down the freeway and see little patches of them everywhere in many shades of blue and white. It's too bad that British Columbia doesn't have the same approach to wildflowers as Texas does - it would be breathtaking to see fields of these flowers blowing in the breeze.

lindas_shinythingsWhile not a fan of the colour of turquoise, I do like the stone - especially if there is a lot of black marbling through it as in these earrings. I don't know what the marbled effect does to the value of turquoise - but I certainly think it gives the stone more character.
Okay... maybe you have to be Canadian to get this one...

peajacketAnyone want to venture a guess?
I do have some blue knitting going on right now as well. I am working on Satomi's baby present (she is due the second week of September) and I am about 60% finished - hell, I might even finish this one within the month of June!