One Skein of Colinette Jitterbug in the Jay colourway. This is 267m of 100% Easy Care Merino (the label says you can machine wash and dry it!) sock yarn.
What do you have to do to win this lovely skein of sock yarn?
Be one of these people:
1. My Life In Stitches
2. Sandy’s Knitting
3. Knitting the Blues
4. Wool is Wonderful
5. affiknitty
6. Amylin
7. Yarn & Order
8. Can’t You See I’m Knitting Here?!
9. Fidget
10. The Knit Sisters
11. The Keyboard Biologist
12. Purls and Pugs
13. Green Moon Knits
14. Gelsomina Lucchesi
15. Alianne Knits
16. Curlerchik
17. Etherknitter
18. Sarah’s Threads
19. Streets and YOs
20. Purls Beyond Price
21. My Virtual Sanity
22. littlelambsyDivy
23. Purple Duckie
24. Knitalia
25. The Stripey Tiger
26. A Thing for String
27. The Knotty Gnome Knits
28. My Eclectic Mess
29. Scorpion Goddess Knits
30. Kitty Cafe
31. Bagatell
32. The Stitchin’ Sheep
33. Bienvenue à mon monde
34. Sweet Georgia
35. Midgeling
36. Bramblestitches
37. Alternative Knitting
38. Clickety Click
39. Jofrog is Knitfrog!
40. Wooly Headed
41. Divinely Crafty
42. Knitting With Rubber Gloves
43. Yarn Over Manhattan
44. WoolGatherer
45. Bella Blu Mama
46. Knit Me A River
47. Domesticat
48. Longwool
49. Island Knitter
50. Tricotine
51. Traveling Stitch
52. The Crochet and Knit Chat Room
53. Lady Knitterly
54. Brooklyn Knit Chick
55. The Knitting Patch
56. Gwibbles ‘n’ Knits
57. Wraught and Fraught
58. Kiriosity
59. It is Rocket Science!
60. A Chance to Knit
61. Tightly Wound Loosely Knit
62. Knitting in the Valley
63. Vintage Fusion Knits and Crochets
64. Elliphantom Knits
65. Knit Me
66. Knit and Play With Fire
67. Isis Rising
68. Knotty Mouse
69. Pink Monkey Knits
70. Imagine Creative Name Here
71. JenLa
72. An Ent Knits
73. Ceallach Knits
74. Auntie Ann Knits
75. Lacefreak
76. Quantum Tea
77. Plumpy Blogs and Knits It
78. Warrior Knitter
79. Madisonienne
80. Flippy the Wonder Squirrel
81. Javajem Knits
82. Kifknits
83. Pink Purls
84. Chicken Knits
85. A Good Yarn
86. Mixed Up Beauty
87. A Knitted Frenzy
88. Knittibell
89. Wine and Needles
90. Fickle Knitter
91. Crafting Jen
92. The Knit’Nabler
93. pieKnits
94. nuttinbutknittin
95. kelp! knits
96. Purl Jam
97. Yarnageddon
98. Skein Street
99. Christina’s Knitting
100. The Bitter Knitter
These are the one hundred new blogs that I visited in the last 20 days and left comments on every single one of them. If you are one of these people and would like to win this skein, please leave a comment with your first name and blog name and tell me what is your favourite word and why. This contest is open until 7pm EST Sunday night - at that point I will collect all the entries and make a random drawing. If you know someone whose name is on this list, make sure they enter - your chances are anywhere from 1 in 6* to 1 in 100! Good luck!
What did I get out of this experiment? Well, six* new people signed up to subscribe to my blog :) That aside, I saw some truly breath-taking finished objects and objects-in-progress, and not to mention a gazillion ideas of what I would like to knit next. I found places to buy online patterns from, some darling pets, cute kids, and even cried a moment or two along with bloggers. I would encourage other people to conduct an experiment like this - it really was an enriching experience.
And... I'm letting go of my Lenten Resolution. With the packing and move I just can't keep up with it. I know I have constant internet access at work, but I refuse to blog from work. I *like* my job and would like to keep it.
Lisa from The Bitter Knitter here! Thanks for stopping by! My favorite word is palindrome, because it isn't one, (a palindrome, I mean) and why exactly is that?
Beth from MyEclecticMess here! I was going to brown nose and say "peculiar" was my favorite word but figured that was too obvious! I'll have to say, Guadalajara, just becuase it is fun to say when you are drunk. (Hello, my name is Guadalupe from Guadalajara, I make a mean guacamole!)
Jen from Crafting Jen here! What a clever concept for a contest - and for expanding your online horizons! Kudos to you.
My favorite word is "yes". I've had a lot of good things happen because I was willing to say "yes, I'll try that," or "yes, I'll go there," or "yes, that sounds interesting."
A carefully applied "no" can be useful, too. But you'll seldom get anywhere if you never say "yes!"
Wow. I am wowed by your blog commenting prowress!
And I'm also impressed you're holding a blog contest while moving. WOW!
I hear you about blogging from work...I did a lot of cyberslacking but that was one line I never crossed.
Hello from Krista (the Stitchin' Sheep). Ooh, I like bitterknitter's word choice, but that's only because my married last name is a palidrome, and I once dated a guy who's favorite one-liner was "I wish my name were Bob, because it's spelled the same backwards and forwards." He was actually a straight-A student, but a little eccentric, I suppose.
My personal favorite word is a Spanish one: verguenza. I suspect Beth and I have a common love for the sound "gu" makes in Spanish. It means embarrassment. "Tengo verguenza" being "I'm embarrassed." I fell in love with this word back in middle school when I learned it. I just liked the way it rolled off my tongue. Still do.
And, thanks, by the way, for stopping by my blog.
Oops, it's been a while since I last wrote anything in Spanish. The correct spelling of that word is vergüenza. I thought so at first, but then decided I must be wrong after a little google search that turned up way too much of the wrong spelling. A little review of the Spanish spelling rules in my head tells me I should have trusted my first instinct.
Erin from Skein Street. At the moment, my favorite word is Thigmotrophy. It's a scientific word meaning being attracted to warm things. Basically this winter, that's what I've been, thigmotrophic.
Hi, it's Ann from AuntieAnnKnits. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am a lawyer (stop that booing) and sort of traffic in words. What came to my mind all unbidden was "superfluity", which means an excess or redundancy. Here in California, it is actually part of the law (under the glorious name of a "Maxim of Jurisprudence") that "Superfluity does not vitiate". Meaning that excess or redundancy does not make something void. OK, probably something that only a lawyer would love, but I think it just sounds cool.
Jennifer, aka Longwool, checking in. Very honored to have been a visited blog. My word is Terpsichorean. I'm not a dancer, but I like the way it sounds and am a fan of T. S. Eliot.
Cool contest idea!
Jo, Thanks so much for your kind comment on my blog. I'm sorry it has taken so long to answer - I've been totally flattened by the flu! As for the hairdresser, I did tell her, not really happy with the outcome, so may be changing.
Aren't you ambitious visiting all those blogs and moving too! I am totally impressed! :) Have a great weekend!
Kim from A Knitted Frenzy here. Oh I've been such a bad blogger the last few months and I missed your deadline. :( I'm going to answer anyway.
I think "absolutely" is my favorite word right now. It means so many different things in different contexts. "Absolutely" I'm having a bad day. I'd "absolutely" love to go to dinner with you. :)
I'm sure you've picked a winner by now. But I wanted to stop by and thank you for entering my contest!
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