You know that part of the Lord's Prayer where you go, "...the power and the glory..."? I always seem to associate that in my head with the intro to some sports program - I think it was ABC Sports - probably in the early 80's where the announcer would say, "...the pain and the agony of defeat..."
I'm definitely feeling the pain and agony right now. My left heel is killing me and my back and um, glutes, are feeling the burn. Andrew and I have divided up the moving as follows:
1. I pack all the boxes.
2. He moves the boxes from Point A to Point B.
3. I unpack the boxes.
4. He enlists his friends to help move the furniture.
I'm quite happy with this deal - and I've been purging quite a bit of stuff. There's the pile to go to goodwill, the pile for the used bookstore, and the pile of simply garbage. We had dinner in our new home tonight - mind you, the gourmand in me said frozen pizzas were quite enough, thank you. We sat on the floor in the kitchen munching on our pizzas and watched "Charlie and Lola" on the portable DVD player.
Word of the Day 11
a. (Med.) Efficacious in curing toothache. --
n. A remedy for toothache.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
1 comment:
That's what we had for the first dinner in the house in Abbotsford - but we ate it sitting on the floor[hadn't bought the love seats yet] in front of the TV/VCR watching ??? cause the cable wasn't connected yet! Shades od 'de je vu'
Love & Hugs
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