Oh my goodness - how did this happen?!!?!? There she is, decked out in her within-the-dress-code finery after her first day of Kindergarten. I'm not sure what this teacher is in for - the class consists of 13 boys and 8 girls, and of those 13 boys, 6 of them have names that are only a letter or two off each other. I am not sure why they didn't switch some of these kids out with one of the other Kindergarten classes to even things out a bit.
Shirt with collar, check. Beige pants/skirt, check. Absolutely no writing or pictures (i.e., logos) on clothes - is the backpack exzempt from that??
I can't believe that she is already in Kindergarten - where the heck did the time go??!!
Nope - there is no mention in the dress code about the backpack. Or tights/socks for that matter. (Note to self... buy tie-dyed psychedelic tights then point out the dress code doesn't say anything about it...)
Oh my gosh! Look at how adorable she is!
So, she survived her first day... how did Mom do?
First day of Kindergarten is very special! Happy first day!
Yay! Happy first day of school, Willow!
Aww She's too cute! Hope she had a good day! :)
So cute. And I love the backpack.
When I wore a uniform, they didn't specify shoes. So I would wear turquoise converse all stars just to be contrary!
Awwwwwww....too sweet.
Chunky starts next week!!
I'm doing okay - although today is the first full day and I had to put her on the bus... and I am fairly certain Andrew is going to bypass me and call the school to make sure she got there!
Wow, kindergarten!!! She looks adorable! BTW, loving the tie-dyed tights idea ;-)
Awww, first day of school!
So cute.
Hugs for you and Willow!
Yes, go crazy with shoes. Congratulations! Next, a drivers licence.
How adorable!
I hope she had a great first day and that Mom survived! :)
It seems like it's true of every class- there are always names that are excessively popular.
The thing that I was not prepared for? The breakout of gifted and talented-itis. 'O, little Aiden has to be in the GT program', 'Sweet Susie's IQ must be 57839, she is just a genius.' Gross.
My name was the most common female name during the decade I was born, and there were routinely 2 to 3 of us in classes throughout my scholastic career!
You're going to have to start knitting her some crazy socks!
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