Isn't that gorgeous? This bloom is another one of my father-in-law's babies. The plant itself is very interesting - some flowers are entirely pink like the inside of this flower, and some are light orange and pink. Whichever way they bloom, they are beautiful. I even like the dark crisp leaves of the hibiscus plant.
I was going to title this post "Too Damn Hot" but decided I wasn't into looking up the rest of the Cole Porter lyrics to make the post flow. But it is too hot. It was about 95'F today and we haven't had any rain in over a week. There is pollen flying everywhere and I am miserable. The skin around my eyes are all irritated - I look like an albino raccoon (or at least what I figure an albino raccoon might look like). We need rain to dampen down all this pollen and get rid of the haze - but those thunderstorms are awfully elusive right now.
Willow and I headed out to Stitches With Style this afternoon so I could find another cardigan pattern to knit her a sweater for school. I ended up coming home with the "Wonderful Wallaby" pattern - which is very whimsically written - sort of like a storybook. One drawback is that there isn't even one complete drawing or photograph of the finished sweater in the book - but I know I can find photos galore at Ravelry. I also came home with a cabled cardigan pattern, 4 skeins of Plymouth Encore in a medium blue, and the new Interweave Knits Fall 07 magazine. There are quite a few patterns in there I would like to make - especially the Placed Cable Aran. I'm very pleased to see how many of the patterns are in my size as well.
Okay, off to take some more allergy medicine...
I'm also sick of all the heat and allergens flying around.
I've let my IK subscription slip I guess. I'll need to pick up that issue at the bookstore.
We had a giant storm yesterday--kept me up all night. But all it really does is make the humidity rise. Blech.
That flower is vibrating with color!
Beautiful flower!
I'm also having a hard time with allergies this year. The heat is awful too. My hands get so sweaty, I can feel the yarn felt under my fingers. Fortunately, everything gets washed when it's done, but that doesn't make knitting any easier. Can't wait till fall.
Lovely flower!! I too hate this time of year. I've been winded and hacking for a month! Hoping you feel better soon!!
Gorgeous flower!!!! The color seems alive.
I hope your allergies go away soon! Believe me I can relate!
Beautiful hibiscus!
What a gorgeous flower!!!
I'm an allergy mess too. No thanks to the fact that I'm preggo and can't take my usual drugs.
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