In a word? Quickly.
Note my dashboard clock. This was the time when Willow and I left home this morning:

This was the time when I dropped Willow off at daycare:

And this was the time when I parked the car in front of my office:

I measured the distance once from my driveway to where I park at work - and it came to 0.4 miles. I have to drive about 3 times that to get Willow to school and then backtrack to my office.
I have to say I was conflicted about this assignment - I want to maintain some modicum of privacy on the blog - and because it such a short distance between where I live and work it would be beyond easy for someone to pinpoint where I live had I posted pictures of the surrounding area.
And yes, I see that I need to dust my car...
Perfect!!! Now we'll just want to hunt you down to steal your radio ;-)
I'm jealous of your commute.
That's how far it is from the front of my complex to my parking spot. So fast! Do you walk it in nice weather?
I have walked it before when my car was in the shop - but unfortunately it isn't practical since I have to retrieve Willow (down the highway) and come back again.
Nice not to have to commute too far. I'm super jealous. My commute to clinical is about 30 minutes each way.
I'm jealous of your commute, too. The only good thing about mine is that a tunnel backup = knitting time.
Love that dashboard, cool!
I wish I had that commute - I walk 10 minutes from the house and then travel anywhere between 20 minutes and an hour or more to go 8 miles into Manhattan on the sardine can they call a subway
Nice short commute - I'm quite jealous! We leave our houses at about the same time, but I don't get to work until 7:45 or 8, depending on traffic and any issues with daycare dropoff!
Kudos on the anonymity!
Wow! It takes me that long to just get down the street!
We're all like superheroes when it comes to our identities and where we live, we blog like crazy but do we really get to know anyone. Anonymity is a good thing when on the web.
That commute is awesome.
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