What is keeping me awake right now? S.M. Stirling's The Sunrise Lands:

Depending on how you look at it, it is either the first book in a second trilogy or the first book in a third trilogy (which began with his Nantucket series). Alternative history - speculative fiction - call it what you will, but I love it. Although - Steve - I have to say I take exception to the fact that the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island have been declared a Death Zone. How can Vancouver die and yet Seattle live? (Characters and storylines aside - I'm just speaking of population vs. farmland and resources).
I also just finished reading Ilona Andrew's Magic Bites and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I think the book needs a second read because I have it in my head there were a few character inconsistencies in the beginning. I asked at the bookstore if there was a sequel or it this author
had other books out and was surprised to learn that this is her (actually their - it is a husband and wife writing team) first book and the sequel to this one comes out next spring. People will draw inevitable comparisons to other genre females - but I have to say that Kate (the protagonist), while healthily red-blooded and having some interesting distractions, manages to stick to business. You can read more about Kate's world and the series on the author's website.
I also have some crockpot cookbooks out of the library right now - and I have to ask... why would someone put cinnamon on beef!?!?! Just the thought of that makes my stomach
start heaving. No, Mom, I am not pregnant. It's just gross.
Hee hee, yeah getting married put a cramp in my late night reading too. Darn those men! ;-)
No, Seattle is toast too. _Portland_ lives... sorta-kinda.
I really like Vancouver, myself, but one has to make sacrifices for one's art... 8-).
Steve, okay - you're forgiven. I was just going on the map at the beginning of the book. My parents live in a heavily Native area - I want to read more about these Haida raiders...
I cant wait to read the Stirling book. Now I will quickly re-read the other trilogies. yippee
Cinnamon is an ingredient in Cincinnati-style chili. It's not like any other chili in the U.S. (I think). It's thin, like a soup. We've got 2 major chains - Gold Star and Skyline. Both have cinnamon.
I read Magic Bites a few weeks ago - and I loved it. I can't wait for the sequel.
I haven't dived into the Stirling series yet; I'm adding it to my list!
hang on a sec...
got it...
Hi Jo,
cinnamon on beef, yum. But you only use a very small amount and in conjunction with other spices.
Try this...
Your mouth will love you for the rest of your life.
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