Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Step Away

She's mine now and I'm not letting her go.


I need some suggestions - Lent has snuck up on me this year and I am at a loss as what to do on my blog for the duration. If you remember, last year I (tried) to give you a word a day, and the year before that I learned something new each day and reported on it. So... does anyone have any ideas? Because at this rate you might just have an out-of-focus picture of Lucky each day for Lent.


Anonymous said...

One friend of mine is doing "Make a Thing a Day" for February which can be simply projects she's been meaning to get around to anyways. So far she assembled pieces to teach a class, finally made a sewing caddy to hang next to her favorite work chair in the living room, etc.

Eryn said...

I'd be happy with out-of-focus pictures of Lucky! ;)

tara said...

Handsome cat. I will have to ponder the Lent thing.

Unknown said...

Such a cute kitty. But I can definitely see her evil side...

Lauren said...

Aww, but Lucky is so cute! I'd take pictures of Lucky any day. :)

IrishGirlieKnits said...

How about a quote-a-day or a thought-for-the-day. Plus there are websites that have lists of them I think (I know Oprah.com has lots of inspirational ones).

or cute kitty pics!!