Two skeins of Berroco Foliage in Cinnabar. It's very nice stuff to knit with - I made my Knitty Calorimetry out of it.
To win these lovelies, here is what you must do. Answer the following questions and DO NOT POST YOUR ANSWERS IN THE COMMENTS! Send your answers to me at jochibi AT yahoo DOT com, and let me know your name and blog address (if you have one). I will collect all the correct answers and make a random drawing on Tuesday (my actual birthday). Anyone who posts the answers to the comments will be disqualified.
If you are a regular reader of my blog, these questions should be easy for you... if not, you may have to dig a little.
1. What nationality am I?
2. To whom is my blog title a tribute?
3. How old am I turning on Tuesday? (hint: it's a multiple of two odd prime numbers)
4. What are my favourite books to read? (I'll allow some lassitude in this one)
5. What countries have I lived in?
All answers must be sent to my yahoo email by 5pm EST Tuesday, November 13th. Again, please do not put the answers in the comments - but please leave a note there saying you submitted your answers so I know to look for them.
Good luck!
OH! I guess I'm going to have to work for this one. Fun contest!
I did, I did. Answered all questions with ease and panache. (Kidding - had to ferret out your age.)
Pick me!
1. Neptunian
2. William Shatner
3. 11
4. Phonebook and dictionary
5. Tahiti and Iceland.
Oh crap wait...you said no answers in the comments ;-)
Some may agree with you on #3, but no, you are completely wrong, so I won't worry about disqualifying you ;)
That Bezzie is a bad influence:
1. What nationality am I? Knittian
2. To whom is my blog title a tribute? Knitters
3. How old am I turning on Tuesday? (hint: it's a multiple of two odd prime numbers) 15
4. What are my favourite books to read? (I'll allow some lassitude in this one) Knitting books
5. What countries have I lived in? Malabrigia, Koiguland and the United Skeins of Rowan
My IRL guesses were emailed!
I sent mine in! (And for real ones too, no jokes I swear!)
It was fun getting to know you. I emailed my answers to ya!
Happy birthday! Sent you my answers.
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