Thursday, November 03, 2011

Why Yes, That Is A Piece Of Salmon

... behind my baby's ear.


Piper had an interesting response to the salmon. She shoved it in her mouth, made a face, then spat it out. I thought to myself that she will be like Andrew, who absolutely abhors salmon (in contrast to Willow and me, who would eat it three nights a week if we could). But she kept going for it and eating more - so I wonder if the spitting was more about the new and different texture rather than any dislike for the taste. In any case, the cat was more than happy to clean up after her once she was done, and ohmylord she needed a bath. How did she get salmon in her eyebrows, down her shirt, and behind her ear?

I was wondering if anyone had any foods that it took them a while to like. I never really bought into the idea of a 'learned taste,' but I do think that there can be foods that you don't like prepared a certain way, and if that was the only way you ever had them you would think you didn't like it. Then one day the food is prepared a different way and all of a sudden you think this is delicious and why didn't I like this before? Andrew, for example, though fish sticks were disgusting - and so like salmon - was a dish that Willow and I would have when we knew he wouldn't be home for dinner. Then one night I made fish tacos for dinner using fish sticks, and he gobbled it down and then had another. Yay fish tacos! They are easy to make and everyone in the house likes them. As for me, it was bell peppers. I only ever remember having cooked peppers as a child, and have horrid memories of being made to eat them when they were the only thing left in my bowl. It wasn't until I was an adult that I had them raw in a salad, and I couldn't believe how sweet and crunchy they were.

For this reason, I have a rule with Willow - and will enforce with Piper when she is older - you have to try something prepared three different ways before you can say you don't like it and don't have to eat it anymore. Willow is up to two with beets (cold and sliced, and roasted). I'm struggling to find a third option that may sway her - but I'm willing to wait it out.


Discoknits said...

My boys are AWESOME eaters. I put it down to having them eat at least one bite of *disliked* or even perceived disliked food. Surprising how many foods they thought they didn't/wouldn't like, but actually love. I think also, introducing lots of foods early is advantagous - if you serve them bland food from the start and don't try, they're not going to like curry/chili/bolognese. Also, I learned early on, not to make 3 different meals if they had a fussy day. We all eat the same thing, no matter what.
Good luck Jo, you're off to a flying start :0)

kingshearte said...

I can't think of anything that I didn't like until I did, but there are a few things that I avoided because I didn't think I would like them, and then finally tried them and discovered they were awesome.

As for beets, have you tried borsht (Damn, I have no idea how to spell that)? I have no use for beets whatsoever, but if my mom makes borsht, I'll eat that perfectly contentedly (it's also the only way I'll eat cabbage, although I could do without the cabbage in there). That's a good rule, though. I like it.

mom said...

you used to enjoy shredded beets mixed with sour cream and grated cheddar then baked (I thought it was yucky!!!)
Love & Hugs

Unknown said...

Scott is soooo picky. He will only eat PB sandwiches these days. Sara is off to a much better start.

I never liked peanut butter until I was in college. Now I can't live without it!