This was waiting for me at the library this afternoon:

I cannot even get into how addicted I am to this series. This is something like the nineteenth book with same characters - but I still love them. Andrew likes them as well - although he says he just skims over certain scenes... or so he says...
But I have to finish off the book well before the Knitting Olympics begin - because trust me, I have no willpower when it comes to books I like. I will sacrifice sleep without a moment's regret (well, maybe a bit of regret the next morning when I am groggy beyond all understanding).
I ended up ripping out the plain vest I had started for myself. Then I turned my eye toward a bunch of other half-finished projects and ripped out the lot of them as well. I was worried that I wouldn't know exactly where I was in a pattern and would mess it up anyway - and who knows about tension... Then I cast on (from a previously ripped project) a raglan sweater in a red/orange/yellow/magenta variegation. The sweater will be too big for Willow (it is the 28" chest size), so I might just add that to the Dulaan pile (which I will mail off someday - I'm so motivated now after seeing the pictures on
Sometimes I just wish I could knit faster.
Not that I have any problem with the thing described in those scences, but the romance novle description of that stuff is so smaltzy and over the top that it just frankly bores me. I'm a meat and potatoes kinda guy, like whats on the table, but don't give it a fru fru frenchie name. Sermon over. Your loving (if spoilsport) husband
And oh Yes I know "Novel" is spelled N O V E L not N O V L E. Its early yet. Sorry
I agree with Andrew if I read a book and and it gets into a totally unrealistic love scene, I skip it or better yet go make my own, at least thats real.
Okay Joey, I'm on your side here - I love this series as well, and I'm ticked that you got it from the library - that means you won't be sending it to me!! I guess I'll just have to go to the library myself and look for it!!!
Thanks for the support Jaime, and Teri I like the series too, just skip over the part I find a bit far fetched, or pretentious. I think Nora Roberts is the Queen of secondary characters, they are all so much fun to watch, and there are so many as well. Also Teri, about not getting the book, I gotta violin just your size right here. If you'd like us to get you the book, then just ask. It’s O.K.
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